Attack on Mescam                                                                                       


Mayan Palace attempts to shutdown MESCAM

MP hires American Attorney to force closure of the MESCAM website.

July 20, 2005 -- MESCAM has received a letter from Lynn T. Galuppo from the law firm of Cox, Castle & Nicholson, an attorney supposedly representing Mayan Palace (see actual letter).    I find it appalling that a US attorney and a US law firm would side with a foreign interest against a website trying to help innocent American tourists being cheated out of their hard-earned money.  This now convinces me that all attorneys are scum.  Ms. Galuppo demands the removal of false and disparaging statement about Mayan Palace.  The material referred to by Ms. Galuppo is a copy of a sales manual obtained from Mayan Palace.  Of course Mayan Palace can claim that it is a fake; and unfortunately I received it third hand so I can not vouch 100% for its authenticity. 

This material was initially removed to avoid a legal fight, but several people have asked about it so it has been re-posted with the following explanation.  The material reads exactly like the sales presentation I received when I was at Mayan Palace.  The sales manual instructs salespeople to tell buyers that they can cancel within 5 days, but their deposit is non-refundable (this is not what Mexican laws says).  This manual also contains a sample of what to say to a buyer concerning rental income, future timeshare value, and how to use these values to show what a "good investment" a timeshare is.  Many people have said "I don't know how we were convinced to buy this timeshare".  Reading through this material will help people the "how and why" they were mislead into making their purchase, and understand that they were up against a very well trained sales force.  If you can verify or vouch for its authenticity, you may wish to include it as supporting evidence in a formal complaint to PROFECO if you decide to fight back.  This information is now available for your viewing and downloading through our Resources webpage.  We are also including on our new Resources Webpage a copy of a "Purchaser's Waiver Form" used by Krystal International.  Anyone having similar material that other purchasers could use as backup material in their formal complaints to Profeco or in letters to Mexican Government Officials are welcome to send me a copy so the material can be posted for others to use.

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